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江南体育app:Xiaojun Nie

Date:2017-09-15     hits:


  Xiaojun Nie,Male,born in October 1984, in An Yue Sichuan Province, Ph. D., lecturer, In 2007 June, He graduated from College of Agronomy, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, majoring in Agronomy. In June 2013, he received the doctorate degree in Crop Genetics and breeding from College of Agronomy, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University. From July 2013 to now, he worked in College of Agronomy, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University as a lecturer.

  Research Interest:

  Plant Genomics; Abiotic stress tolerant germplasm identification and functional genes cloning; Bioinformatics.


  《Crop origin and domestication》、《Plant genomics and proteomics》for undergraduate student、《Advance in Agr-Biotechnology》for graduate student.

  Research Projects and publication:

  Dr. Nie got more than 10 funding or financial supports about wheat genomics and the molecular mechanism of plant tolerant to abiotic stresses. He integrated the molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics approaches together with next generation sequencing technology to perform study on identification and discovery of elite resources, identification and functional analysis of stress-responsive miRNA/genes, the mechanism of the wheat resistance formation and evolution as well as network construction.  He was responsible for National Science Foundation of China (grant No. 31771778 and 31401373), the State's Key Project of Research and Development Plan of China (Grant No. 2017YFC1200600) as well as some other projects. In addition, he participate to publish one English textbook published by Taylor & Francis CRC press.

  Contact information

  Address: Shaanxi Yangling agricultural college, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University

  Zip code: 712100

  Telephone: 029-87082984


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