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江南体育app:Cheng-she Wang

Date:2017-10-26     hits:


  Cheng-she Wang, male, born in October 1960, QIANXIAN county in shaanxi province.Ph.D., professor, doctoral supervisor.In July 1982, with a bachelor degree in agronomic department of northwestern agricultural college;In July 1985, with a master's degree in agronomic department of northwestern agricultural university ; To participate in the work in1985; received a doctor's degree in agronomy In June 2006.The research direction genetic research and breeding of wheat. courses genetic research and breeding project of Undergraduates ,graduate student, and doctor. Scientific research projects and academic achievements Participated in and presided over more than 40 research projects.8 wheat varieties were registered; 7 Science and technology progress prize were gain by government of Shaanxi province and Yangling demonstrion zone. More than 60 papers were published. The papers published in recent 5 years are as follows: [1] Expressing an (E) - beta farnesene synthase in the chloroplast of tobacco affects the preference of green peach aphid and its parasitoid [J], JOURNAL of INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY, 2015,57 (5) : 770-782;(SCI and impact factor of 3.673) [2] the Mapping of policy Trait Loci which for Adult Plant to hold to Stripe Rust in German Wheat Cultivar Ibis - P12042, Cereal Research Communications, 2012, 40 (2), pp. 194-203;(SCI and impact factor of 0.528) [3] Molecular mapping of stripe rust hold gene YrSN104 in Chinese wheat line Shaannong 104, Hereditas, 149 (2012) : 146-151;(SCI and impact factor of 1.083) [4] the Relationship among the key enzymatic activities involved in starch short and amylopectin chain distributions in developing wheat grain, substitutes -- biotechnology Vol. 11 (4), PP. 805-814201-2;(SCI and impact factor of 0.573) [5] sodium azide mutagenesis ordinary wheat farmers and shaanxi 33 mutant library building and preliminary assessment [J]. Journal of wheat crops, 2015,01:22-29. [6] shan 138 farmers in the process of the microspore development protein expression differences of comparative analysis, journal of crops, 2012, 20 (3) : 462-470 [7] wheat seedling heat resistance QTL mapping analysis [J]. Journal of northwest plants, 2012, 32 (8) : 1525-1533. New wheat variety shan [8] ordinary farmers 33 immature embryo high-frequency regeneration system [J]. Journal of northwest agriculture, 2015, 11:51-58. [9] the wheat disease spot mutations lm3 positioning.Journal of wheat crops.2016 (12). [10] wheat TaSKIP gene cloning adversity stress, positioning and preliminary analysis [J]. Journal of wheat crops, and practices of 2015:747-751. Address:  Agronomy College

  Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry,



  ChinaZip code: 712100 Telephone: E-mail:wangcs2008@126.com


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